
Sweet red pomegranates<br>(5kg)

Sweet red pomegranates

Box of 5kg organic pomegranates of the Acco variety. Do you need less? You can order a 2,5kg box of pomegranates of the sweet red varieties here
Sweet red pomegranates (5kg box) | Naranjas del Carmen
Content of the box
Each unit weighs between 150g and 250g. In your box you will receive between 24 and 36 units.
Organoleptic characteristics
Acco (end of August and September): The skin is red, which is also its internal color, resulting in a very attractive color. Its flavor is sweet. The seeds are semi-soft because they are usually somewhat lignified. These pomegranates are suitable for fresh consumption as well as for juice.

Harvest Period
Pomegranates do not ripen after harvest, so they must be harvested fully ripe to ensure the best quality for consumption. The acco variety is our first of the season and begins to ripen mid August to mid-September.
Harvest and Shipment
In the early morning of the shipment day we go to the fields to pick the pomegranates. We harvest those with the perfect maturity level so that they arrive safe and sound. Afterwards, we put them into a box with recycled material, without any plastic. In the afternoon of the same say, our transport partner comes and picks them up.
32,39 €

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Our oranges are now enjoying their well deserved summer hibernation, so unfortunately we can't offer you any oranges...

But don't worry, because right now, for the first time ever, we are offering delicious pumpkins from our summer garden!

We return to citrus fruits with the mandarins in November. If you'd like to stay informed about their progress, leave us your email so we can make contact once they are ready!
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Our harvest is limited. Please leave us your contact details if you would like to be informed about the harvest periods of our orchard:
You can adopt an olive tree or adopt an orange tree throughout the whole year.