Farming and Beekeeping Blog

Gazpacho with tomatoes from El Carmen

[embed][/embed] Ingredients 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil 30 ml of sherry vinegar 1 kg of ripe red tomatoes 1 clove of garlic 1 small onion 150 g of white wheat bread (one or two ... Continue reading

Wake up, farmer!

Despite the current panorama I think that good times are coming for the farmers. And that’s not because I believe there is going to be an abundance of harvest. I also don’t think that prices for the products on the field will rise. I ... Continue reading

Documentary about Valencia

„Grenzenlos – die Welt entdecken“ shows documentaries about places around the whole world. It tells stories of cities and its people working in different sectors. We are proud to form part of the documentary about Valencia. We ... Continue reading

Citrus variety calendar

On our farm we cultivate different orange varieties. Each of them has a determined harvest period and specific characteristics, such as size, form, quantity of juice, how to peel the fruit, quantity of white zest etc. We always ... Continue reading

Organic extra virgin olive oil (free from bisphenol)

We have attained new bisphenol-free containers for our extra virgin olive oil. The majority of the containers available on the market are coated with a varnish to prevent the olive oil from oxidizing when getting in direct contact ... Continue reading

What are the production costs of 1kg of oranges?

Thoughts of a young farmer Resources: Water to irrigate, petrol for the tractor, electricity for the irrigation system to work, fertiliser and around 150 other things you need throughout the year. Salaries: Salaries ... Continue reading

Beekeeping with values | Beehives from Crowdfarming

Offering adoptions of beehives allows for an increase of the bee population and at the same time a honey with special values is created that goes hand in hand with our philosophy. Honey for the bees: It is not the goal of the bees to ... Continue reading


Crowdfarming is a new agricultural model born on the fields of Naranjas del Carmen. It connects producers and consumers and wants to revolutionize the traditional food supply chain. Thanks to the adoption of our orange trees and bee ... Continue reading

Jardín Del Gordo

Thanks to the new cultivation model CrowdFarming all of the orange trees planted on our finca “El Carmen” have an owner. Behind every tree, there is a person or a family that maintains it, follows its evolution and receives its ... Continue reading

Apricots – The fruit of a friendship among farmers.

We are not just happy. We are very happy and proud of the planting of apricots cultivated by our friend Carlos in Valencia. All began in 2015 when Carlos and Gonzalo met on the plantation of „Naranjas del Carmen“. Apart from being a ... Continue reading