Farming and Beekeeping Blog

Harvest of orange blossom honey 2023

The presence of the bees is part of our farming philosophy. Those who have visited us know how their buzzing accompanies our fields. And it is the adoption of beehives that allows us to increase their population and take care of ... Continue reading

The Role of Vegetal Cover in Agriculture

Conventional farming practices often result in soil degradation and environmental challenges. However, innovative approaches, such as implementing vegetal cover, offer promising solutions to enhance soil quality and promote ... Continue reading

Springtime at Campillo de Julia 2023

We recently shared by email, with the families who have adopted an olive tree with us,  about how we've experienced a very strong drought that has even changed our character. And we have decided to also share through this medium some ... Continue reading

Simple recipes with our summer vegetables 🍅

For us, summer time means vegetable time! The warm days, the long nights and a lot of delicious summer vegetables. If this beautiful season had a flavor, it would be, among others, the fruity taste of our field tomatoes.  The ... Continue reading

Employee of the month: Our bees!

We have several thousand associates in our fields: the honeybees.  Bees are essential to our ecosystem and to the young shoots of our fields. During the last hot summer, we moved the bee colonies to the mountains of Burgos. The ... Continue reading

Documentary “The Discarded” : the history of our jams, sauces and other derived products

Not all the fruits of the tree can be consumed fresh. On the same tree, we can find very different fruits. They differ in size, shape, color and skin thickness. Although we try to treat them all the same, each fruit lives its own ... Continue reading

Logbook – December 2022

The last month of the year. It is time to review the evolution of our crops. Crops that had difficulties this year: olive trees, persimmons and honey.  The repilo is a fungus that spreads with humidity and defoliates the ... Continue reading

Analysis of the EVOO of Campillo de Julia, Harvest 2022

Miguel Abad, olive oil technician and person responsible for EVOO at Campillo de Julia, has written this report on the sensory and polyphenol analysis of this year's EVOO. Technical information Yield: sms (49,88±5,05)%. ... Continue reading

A day in the field with Fede

My name is Amanda, I work at Naranjas del Carmen and today I had the opportunity to accompany Fede, team leader in the field at our farm El Carmen. Note: the working hours vary depending on the season. As the summer is hot, to ... Continue reading

Our Pomegranate Varieties

The tenacity of the pomegranate tree The pomegranate tree is very well adapted to the Mediterranean climate of the Valencian region because it is very resistant to drought, which is unfortunately quite common here. As well as this, ... Continue reading