Category Archives: What happen at Naranjas del Carmen?

The daily work of Naranjas del Carmen

Logbook – Summer 2024

We always insist on the importance of your comments and feedback. That is why last February we asked some of you to help us better understand where we can improve our service, the quality of our products or even the website. We ... Continue reading

Do we still have winters ?

The consequences of the disruption of the seasons on the agriculture The disruption of the seasons has profound repercussions on many aspects of our planet. For farmers, whose activities depend closely on natural cycles, this poses ... Continue reading

“Acequias”, traditional watering system

In the arid regions of Spain, where water is scarce and agriculture thrives, a remarkable irrigation system known as "acequias" has played a vital role for centuries. These ancient channels have proven to be an ingenious solution for ... Continue reading

The Role of Vegetal Cover in Agriculture

Conventional farming practices often result in soil degradation and environmental challenges. However, innovative approaches, such as implementing vegetal cover, offer promising solutions to enhance soil quality and promote ... Continue reading

Springtime at Campillo de Julia 2023

We recently shared by email, with the families who have adopted an olive tree with us,  about how we've experienced a very strong drought that has even changed our character. And we have decided to also share through this medium some ... Continue reading

A day in the field with Fede

My name is Amanda, I work at Naranjas del Carmen and today I had the opportunity to accompany Fede, team leader in the field at our farm El Carmen. Note: the working hours vary depending on the season. As the summer is hot, to ... Continue reading

Living with a new plague

What is Delottococcus aberiae or South African cotonet and how does it affect us? It is an insect that arrived from South Africa due to the lack of control of orange imports, and it is now causing damage to citrus fruits and economic ... Continue reading

Nature always has the last word

The cold freezes the inside of the orange and ends up drying it out. This damage is the most difficult to assess, as it cannot be seen from the outside. You only see it – or feel it, rather – when you eat the orange and find that it ... Continue reading

Blooming of the orange blossom | Spring 2020

[embed][/embed] Last summer, when we saw there was almost no honey in the cells of the beehives frames, we started fearing the worst. The amount of orange blossom honey harvest is a good indicator of the ... Continue reading

Agriculture as essential activity

"What drives us to leave the house and harvest the fruit is knowing that our customers are awaiting them now more than ever." March 2020 will not be easy to erase from our memory. It was the month when Europe was locked in its ... Continue reading