Author Archives: hannah

The fascinating world of bioindicator plants

One fascinating, yet often overlooked aspect of regenerative agriculture is the role of bioindicator plants. The wild field plants which are present in our orchards act as living sensors, providing us with valuable insights into the ... Continue reading

Employee of the month: Our bees!

We have several thousand associates in our fields: the honeybees.  Bees are essential to our ecosystem and to the young shoots of our fields. During the last hot summer, we moved the bee colonies to the mountains of Burgos. The ... Continue reading

Logbook – December 2022

The last month of the year. It is time to review the evolution of our crops. Crops that had difficulties this year: olive trees, persimmons and honey.  The repilo is a fungus that spreads with humidity and defoliates the ... Continue reading

Our Pomegranate Varieties

The tenacity of the pomegranate tree The pomegranate tree is very well adapted to the Mediterranean climate of the Valencian region because it is very resistant to drought, which is unfortunately quite common here. As well as this, ... Continue reading