Logbook – Summer 2024

We always insist on the importance of your comments and feedback. That is why last February we asked some of you to help us better understand where we can improve our service, the quality of our products or even the website. We received more than 1,500 responses from people who gave us their time to help us selflessly. We feel a great responsibility and a great support to continue our progress. Thank you very much.

We have analysed the ideas received and here we share with you this action plan that we have already started to execute.

Actions already implemented

Stone fruit: you have shown great interest and we are proud of the excellent reception of the first shipments of our peaches and flat peaches. We have to improve in finding the exact ripening point in some varieties of peaches. Except for some incidents, the result has been very positive and the learning has been immense.

Description of our products: you have let us know that it is difficult for you to imagine the product you are going to receive, how it tastes and in what format it arrives at your home. In the last weeks we have been working hard and now you can find, inside each product, a detailed description and a video with the content of the box.

Transmit your opinion or report incidents: when you work with fresh organic fruit without post-harvest treatment, you have to accept that sometimes the products do not arrive in perfect condition. That is why it is important to be able to receive information about an incident that allows us to analyze, improve and solve it. In your private area, we have implemented a flow that allows you to send us feedback on products received in a few clicks. If you prefer a conversation, we are also available by phone.

Actions in progress

Smaller box sizes and mixed boxes: thanks to new plantings, we can combine seasonal fruits and vegetables in the same box. We are testing a new box containing a mix of our fruits and vegetables that are at their ideal ripeness. We will send you 4 different products but we can’t guarantee their content because we decide as we go along. Thanks to this purchase you help us to be able to send you the very best and we are committed to send you a cheaper product than if you had bought it individually.

Change in the packaging of our oil: for next season we are going to completely change the packaging where we send our extra virgin olive oil. We have been using cans for many years but there was a problem that we could not solve 100% and that is that sometimes they got dented. In addition, with the new “bag in box” packaging , we have been doing tests and the oil is better preserved and better served.

New canned products: we have rented and converted an old restaurant in our town into a workshop to produce jams, sauces and juices with our fruits and vegetables. We have expanded our product catalogue and reduced our prices because we take care of the entire production process.

Collage de Fotos Inspiración Naturaleza Azul  (1)

Actions that we cannot address in the short term

New crops of avocado, mango and other fruits: for the moment we are not considering the cultivation of tropical fruits. Those of you who are looking for these fruits can find them on the CrowdFarming platform of which we are part along with 300 other organic farmers in Europe.

Thank you very much for being part of our story.

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