Citrus season 2019/2020
Naranjas del Carmen has 3 lines of action: the farming activity, which is our fundamental one, the logistics and this webpage. In this letter, we would like to inform you about the improvements we are working on for the next citrus season.
Farming activity
We have just finished replacing the dead orange trees and now our garden is completely planted breathes new life into our farm. This has been the main challenge my brother and I faced when we decided to leave our jobs in the city to come and restore our grandfather’s farm. Since we still are (and feel) young and the family of Naranjas del Carmen has been growing, with it come new challenges:
Reduced environmental impact: this is not only about avoiding the use of pesticides, but also about reducing any environmental impact of our farming activity. But let’s not beat around the bush and start talking about concrete facts.
- Renewal of the irrigation shed and the drip irrigation tubes to make the most efficient use of water.
- Planting seeds in between oranges tree aisles to foster plant biodiversity with two goals: hosting natural predators of pests and providing pollen and nectar for the wild pollinators and our bees.
Increased social impact: it is not only about cultivating and producing oranges but also about how, by whom and under what working conditions our oranges have been collected.
Our belief is that a healthy society must be able to offer quality employment in all sectors. We believe that the future is not only linked to the stamps that certify the products used but also to the quality of employment generated by your agricultural activity, as Cicero said: “Agriculture is the profession of the wise, the most suitable for the simple and the most dignified occupation for every free man.” Few things motivate my brother and me more than having such a team of human and professional people to face the great challenges of this agri-social revolution.
Web activity
The great majority of the improvements that we make in our web is thanks to the advise coming from you. It is a project that never ends because there is always something to improve or explain better. Thank you for your patience if something fails and thank you very much for letting us know! No matter how much this website gets better, we don’t want to lose the human approach and be able to talk to you from time to time.
Logistics activity
Logistical evolution is what has allowed us to create a direct link between us, the producers, and the people who enjoy our oranges. Our logistics have several stages: the harvesting of oranges, the preparation and transport of the order. Our “puzzle” consists of collecting, preparing and sending oranges to your home as efficiently and quickly as possible (in this order). By efficient we mainly mean that it generates the least possible environmental impact on both packaging materials and the carbon footprint of transport.
This season we have managed not only to maintain the logistics costs compared to last season but also to lower them in some of the countries.
Happy citrus season!