The costs of Crowdfarming®

plantingInitial Payment: With the initial payment we plant your tree and reserve fruits of our already grown trees for you. In doing so, you can consume your oranges right from the beginning. The first year, your tree will live in a nursery where it is protected against different weather conditions.

maintenanceMaintenance Costs: The moment you plant your tree, we inform you again about the annual maintenance cost of your tree containing the care and the watering. For the entire life of your tree these costs will remain the same, as long as our costs do not change. Please remember that you do not enter in any commitments and can step back from the adoption in any season.

1Logistic Costs: They contain the harvest and shipment of your oranges and mandarins. The amount can vary as they do not depend solely on us but also on the transport companies. As such, the highest portion applies to sending your order by express from our plantation to an address of your choice. Moreover, we also include the boxes and other packing material, as well as the preparation of your order and the harvest of your fruits.

Costes ENYou can order your harvest in as many deliveries as you wish. You can decide how many kilos you want to receive with each shipment. Please click here in order to see the logistic costs of this season.

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